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Forum News

The Journal FundamentalRights.it launched

6. September 2023

Journal FundamentalRights.it launched in April 2021 – year III, issue 1, 2023, just released

We would like to draw your attention to the open access online journal FundamentalRights.it which was founded not long ago, in 2021, and is now also acknowledged as a scientific journal (area 11 and 12) by ANVUR, the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes. It was born in the context of the teaching of Legal Anthropology by Aldo Andrea Cassi at the University of Brescia and secondly around a research cycle on Fundamental Rights at the University of Camerino taught by Carlotta Latini. The journal has its own epistemologically intersected approach to the topic of the Fundamental Rights and consequently the editorial committee consists of jurists, historians, psychologists, philosophers, and medical examiners, and invites to contribute as authors scholars of the respective fields. The link to the journal please find in our FHI Journals Section (https://forhistiur.net/zeitschriften/). All the articles are written in Italian, so far, but naturally concern an international audience.